Community Reinforcement & Family Training
CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Therapy) is a scientifically supported, evidence-based approach designed to help concerned significant others (CSOs) to engage treatment-refusing substance abusers into treatment. It was developed with the belief that since family members can, and do make important contribution in the recovery process. This approach provides them with tools to accomplish this task.
CRAFT is about learning a different method to communicate with and support your loved one

Understanding CRAFT: A Lifeline for Families
Addiction is a complex maze. The ripples of pain, fear, and uncertainty spread wide, affecting not only the individual but their whole family as well. You may feel exhausted, disconnected, and helpless, watching a loved one struggle, seeing them slip away deeper into the abyss of substance abuse. Their refusal to seek treatment can leave you feeling hopeless. You’re not alone, and the situation isn’t hopeless.
Addiction Impacts
CRAFT Seeks...
Embrace the Love with the CRAFT Approach
At Rapid Action Health, we understand the torment that comes from seeing someone you love caught in the stranglehold of addiction. We know the frustration of failed attempts to encourage them into treatment. But we also believe that you, as a loved one, possess untapped strength and influence. You hold the key to guide them towards recovery. However, you need the right approach, tools, and support to unlock this potential. That’s where our CRAFT program comes in.
Professionals will provide you with skills, strategies, and continuous support
to affect positive change in your loved one. We teach you how to enhance communication, build motivation, and reinforce positive behaviors. You will learn to identify triggers, manage crises, and establish an environment conducive to change.
Turning Your Concern into Constructive Action
CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) is an empowering, scientifically backed approach that leverages the power of relationships to motivate treatment-refusing individuals towards recovery. With over 70% success rate in getting reluctant individuals into treatment, CRAFT holds a beacon of hope. It acknowledges your love, concern, and influence as a significant catalyst for change.
Breaking Down Barriers to Treatment with CRAFT
Imagine a tomorrow where you’re not filled with dread, a future where you no longer feel helpless or exhausted. Envision your loved one, no longer battling alone but engaged in a journey towards recovery. That future is possible. You can help your loved one reclaim their life, and in the process, rediscover your own peace and well-being.
Find Hope and Healing with Community Reinforcement and Family Training
Our CRAFT program can help turn this vision into a reality. It empowers you to transform your relationship, fosters hope, and nurtures healing. It’s not just about getting your loved one into treatment; it’s about reviving happiness, rekindling connections, and restoring balance in your family.
Rekindle Connections: CRAFT for Families
We invite you to take this bold step towards hope and healing. Embrace the power of love and influence with our CRAFT program. After all, you’re not just a spectator in their battle against addiction; you can be the game-changer.
A Game-changer in Substance Abuse Treatment
Join us at Rapid Action Health. Let’s navigate this journey together, one step at a time, towards a healthier, happier tomorrow.
Most frequent questions and answers
CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) is an evidence-based program designed to help family members and loved ones of individuals struggling with substance abuse. It works by teaching communication strategies, problem-solving techniques, and understanding triggers to the loved ones, empowering them to positively influence the individual to seek treatment. It also focuses on improving the loved ones’ quality of life and wellbeing.
Studies have shown that CRAFT has an impressive success rate. In fact, about 70% of people who participate in the CRAFT program are successful in engaging their loved one into treatment. This is significantly higher than the success rate of traditional interventions.
No, CRAFT doesn’t replace professional addiction treatment. Rather, it is a tool to help loved ones persuade the person struggling with addiction to seek professional help. It also provides invaluable support to the family members and improves their own wellbeing during this challenging time.
One of the key advantages of CRAFT is that it can be implemented even if the individual with addiction refuses to acknowledge their problem or to engage in treatment. The strategies learned through CRAFT are designed to help loved ones navigate these obstacles and encourage the individual to seek help.
While CRAFT was initially designed to address substance abuse, the strategies and principles it utilizes are applicable to a wide range of problematic behaviors. This includes gambling addiction, eating disorders, and other forms of behavioral addictions. CRAFT’s focus on positive communication and behavior reinforcement is broadly applicable in helping loved ones motivate individuals to seek help for any harmful behaviors.